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Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Prof. (Dr.) S. R. Patil
M.E (EC), Ph.D. (EC & CSE)
Head of Department E&TC

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department was established in the year 2001 with the intake of 60 students. With the increase in intake of 60 in 2006-07 for UG and a new PG course of intake 18 in 2013-14; our department is continuously getting upgraded. The department has highly qualified faculty. Well-planned infrastructure to satisfy the growing needs of the educational environment, supported with the latest hardware and software tools like MATLAB, Xilinx, and LABVIEW, MENTOR GRAPHICS, etc. As being the largest department in the institute our maximum focus is on research activities.

Vision, Mission


To develop women professionals to become a valuable resource for industry and Society through E&TC Engineering.


  1. To provide quality and value-based education for women in the field of E&TC Engineering.
  2. To train women to keep pace with rapidly changing technological needs of industry and research.



Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Ability to apply electronics knowledge, to identify formulates and solves Engineering problems.
  • Acquire knowledge to find workable solutions in the field of Telecommunication.
  • Exhibit programming skills with the use of various software tools.
  • Inculcate continuous learning through interdisciplinary approach.   

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • The graduate will be able to
  • Give techniques and solutions by using acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Design and develop Electronics & and telecommunication-based systems.
  • Create, select and adapt techniques, resources and tools with understanding of associated limitations.
  • Identify and address their own needs in the changing world through lifelong learning.   

Program Outcomes (POs)

On completion of the program graduate will be able to

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and: design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
  7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
  8. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
  9. Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.



PO and PSO

# Type ID Program Outcome
1 PO PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
2 PO PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
3 PO PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
4 PO PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research- based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
5 PO PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
6 PO PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7 PO PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8 PO PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9 PO PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
10POPO10Communication: Communicate effectively on complex

engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make

effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions

11POPO11Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management

principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12POPO12Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
13PSOPSO13Apply design knowledge.
14PSOPSO14Develop solutions for engineering problems.
15PSOPSO15Use of modern tools.

#Type IDProgram Educational Objective
1PEOPEO1Graduate will be employed and continuing research using knowledge and skill set in VLSI
2PEOPEO2Graduates will work in inter-disciplinary environment.
3PEOPEO3Graduates will have the ability to face challenges in professional practices and professional ethics.

Department SWOC Analysis



  • Eight faculty members with Ph.D. degrees and 13 PG recognized faculty members.
  • Post-Graduation programme in VLSI and Embedded System Design.
  • Laboratories with State-of-the-Art equipment& modern software tools.
  • Faculty contributing to design development and implementation of curriculum in board of Studies of affiliating university.
  • Effective use of ICT in the teaching learning process.
  • Student centric functioning with mentoring and counselling through teachers.
  • Effective Academic monitoring.
  • Encouraging and conducive atmosphere for Co-curricular activities.
  • Promoting research among the students.
  • Ability to design and develop skill development.


  • Lack of consultancy services.
  • Improvement of aptitude and communication skill for students.
  • Moderate employable competency.
  • Less research publications in peer reviewed international journals having high impact factor.
  • Less exposer to industrial environment.


  • Promotion of post-doctoral research.
  • Conduction of FDP and STTP.
  • Conduction of value addition programs.
  • Organization of national/international conferences and value addition programs.
  • Effective Participation of alumni in department development.
  • Revenue generation through consultancy and sponsored projects.


  • More Placement in core companies
  • Improvement of aptitude and communication skills for students
  • Strengthen industry and institute interaction.
  • Creating awareness about employment opportunities for E&TC Engineering.
  • More participation in the summer school and industry internship.
  • Strengthen alumni interaction.

Future Plans:

  • To establish a research center.
  • To promote patents and registration.
  • To prepare students ready for placement from the initial stages.
  • Establish links with reputed industries.
  • Online submission and assessment of assignment and unit test.


Faculty Information

Prof. Dr. Sandip Raosaheb Patil

Name of Teaching Staff Prof. Dr. Sandip Raosaheb Patil
Designation Professor
Department Electronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution 03-02-2005
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD BE(EC) ME(EC) EC &CSE First Class Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 27 .7 Years Nil
Papers Published National International Nil 15
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil 10
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Electronics SPPU
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters Level Nil 08
Books Published / IPRs / Patents 02 Books
Professional Memberships LMISTE, IETE
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards 1st Prize(Best in Paper presentation in 2000)
Grants fetched Research grant 50,000/-
Interaction with Professional Institution ISTE, IETE

Prof. Sucheta Tirtharaj Khot

Name of Teaching Staff Prof. Sucheta Tirtharaj Khot
Designation Professor
Department Electronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution 23-07-2002
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD BE(ELEX) ME(ELEX) First Class First Class Pursuing
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 28 Years Nil
Papers Published National International Nil 18
Papers Presented in Conferences National International 04 11
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters Level Nil 06
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships LMISTE
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Dr. Amitabh Bhattacharya Memorial Trophy as the Third best Engineering college chapter from the IEI at 19th IEI convocation and Technicians/ Students Convocation ,Ranchi (Nov 20,2011)
Grants fetched 1.Research grant 1,50,000/- 2.QIP grant: a) National conference “Jishin’ 10” 1, 20,000/-. b) Lecture on Image Processing & Its experiments with MATLAB-(State) 15,000/-. c) Lecture series 20,000/-
Interaction with Professional Institution Yes, IEI,IETE

Prof. Dr. Suvarna Sandip Chorage

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Dr. Suvarna Sandip Chorage
DesignationProfessor ( Vice Principal Academics)
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Engg.
Date of Joining the Institution07-12-2012
Qualifications with Class / Grade

UG                             PG                              PhD

BE( E&TC )            ME(E&TC)                     ELEX

First Class                Distinction

Total Experience in years

Teaching                Industry            Research

26 Years                   01yr                   5(Inclusive)

Papers Published in Journals

National              International

Nil                        36

Papers Presented in Conferences

National               International

    01                          15

Ph.D Guide? Field &


Field                 University      currently guiding

E&TC                  SPPU              4

Ph.Ds / Projects Guided

PhDs conferred   Thesis submitted    Projects at Masters Level

           1                       2                                           09

Books Published / IPRs / Patents

Nil          2 patents

Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities



Best paper award in IEEE conference 2 times, Best Teacher Award by IEAE

Grants fetched

2,00,000/- for research from SPPU

Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Dr. Vijaya Rahul Pawar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Dr. Vijaya Rahul Pawar
DesignationAssociate Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Engineering department
Date of Joining the Institution01-08-2002
Qualifications with Class / Grade

UG                              PG                              PhD

BE(Eletronics Engg.) ME(Eletronics Engg.) (Eletronics Engg.)

First Class                  First Class                  NA

  Total Experience in years

Teaching                 Industry                        Research

28 Years                       Nil                              5 Yrs.

Papers PublishedTotal Publications=45

National    International

 08              22

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International -15

Book Chapters Published


Ph.D Guide?  University

Yes                                       SPPU

Ph.Ds / Projects Guided

PhDs                                    Projects at Masters Level

Ongoing    05                       08

Books Published / IPRs / Patents

Books  - Nil                    IPRs -   04(Copyrights)    02 (Patents)

Professional Memberships

ISTE - Life Member          :   LM24222

IETE - Membership No.    :   F-502882.

IEI    - Membership No.     :   M-1738733

Consultancy Activities



·         Appreciated by Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engg. For Women, Pune-43 for Excellent academic performance (2023)

·         Appreciated by Bharati Vidyapeeth for Excellent academic performance (2016)

·         Appreciated by SPPU for Mentoring in State Inter-University Research Convention for Post PG ( Ph.D.) students, Jan.2023

·         Appreciated by SPPU for a contribution as an Academic and Research Coordinator. (2009-2019)

·         “Best Paper Award”  in IEEE conferences-03 times

·         “Best Teacher” Award from Janhit Prathithan , Pune (2006)

·         “Best Project Theme- 2001” IInd Rank,ISTE,, Tamilnadu

Grants fetched

Reseach Grants: As PI- Rs. 1,00000/- successfully  completed the research project ,”DFT Core Generator”

Development Grants: AICTE Grants Received during A.Y.2021-22

Sr. No.

Category of the Scheme

Name of the Scheme

Grant Received in Rs.


Institutional Development Schemes


9.38 Lacs


Faculty Development Schemes

Faculty Development Program



Student Development Schemes

AICTE-Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES)



Total Grants Received


·         Quality improvement program grants by BCUD, SPPU:

·         National conference “Jishin’ 10 ” 1,20,000/-

·         State level seminar on,“Embedded System Design” (20,000/-). Lecture series 20,000/-

·         National level workshop on,”Wavelet and its applications” Rs. 2,00000/-

·         State level seminar on,” Recent trends in an image Processing” Rs. 20,000/-

Interaction with Professional Institution

Yes with IEI, IETE, ISTE  & IEEE

Prof. Dr. Sushilkumar Mahadeo Rajbhoj

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Dr. Sushilkumar Mahadeo Rajbhoj
DesignationAssociate Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution29-12-2003
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class Dist Higher II Class

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

32.5 Years Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 20

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

03 11

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil 08

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities



Academic Excellence award

Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Savita Atul Itkarkar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Savita Atul Itkarkar
DesignationAssociate Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution03-01-2007
Qualifications with Class/Grade


BE(ELEX) ME(E&TC) Pursuing

First Class First Class

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

25 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 02

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities



Best ChangeMaker Award

Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution

Executive council member ISNT, Pune Chapter

Member-AACCI, Pune

Prof. Dr. Sharada Laxman Kore

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Dr. Sharada Laxman Kore
DesignationAssociate Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution18-07-2003
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class First Class (E&TC)

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

17/1 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 11

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil 02

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level


Books Published/IPRs/Patents

01(Patent filed)

Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution

Executive committee member of IETE local center, Pune (2014-16)

Prof. Sampada Abhijit Dhole

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Sampada Abhijit Dhole
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution14-07-2003
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class First Class Pursuing

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

14 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 13

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

03 04

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil 03

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched

Rs 1,50,000/- BCUD Grant (2007-08)

Rs 2,00,000/- QIP grant (2014-15)

Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Sumati Manoj Jagdale

Name of Teaching Staff Prof. Sumati Manoj Jagdale
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Electronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution 15-12-2003
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class First Class Pursuing

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

13.8 Years Nil

Papers Published

National International

01 08

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil 05

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil 06

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched

BCUD Grant (2007-08) QIP grant (2014-15)

Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Kalyani Ramesh Chaudhari

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Kalyani Ramesh Chaudhari
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution17-08-2006
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class Distinction Pursuing

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

11 Years Nil NIl

Papers Published

National International

01 05

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

01 01

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched

QIP (2012-13)

Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Shewta Sadanand Salunkhe

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Shewta Sadanand Salunkhe
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution02-07-2007
Qualifications with Class/Grade


First Class First Class

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

10 Years 1 Yr

Papers Published

National International

Nil 02

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

01 Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Sanjay M Bhilegaonkar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Sanjay M Bhilegaonkar
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution02-11-2007
Qualifications with Class/Grade

UG                               PG                                   PhD

BE(E&TC)                 ME(E&TC)                         E&TC

First Class                 First Class                       Pursuing

Total Experience in Years

Teaching                      Industry                          Research

17 Years                      Nil                                   5 Years

Papers Published

National                                 International

Nil                                           13

Papers Presented in Conferences

National                                  International

Nil                                           03

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field                                        University

Nil                                           Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs                                      Projects at Masters Level

Nil                                           Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents

2 Patents under examination

Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities

Consultancy on Vector Network Analyser


·         Winner of 2nd prize for research topic presentation in Symposium of research scholars (SYRES) organized by Joint chapter of IEEE AP, MTT, EMC (JCAME), December 2021, Pune, India.

·         Received Dr. Amitabh Bhattacharya Memorial Trophy as a advisor for “Third Best Engineering College student Chapter award E&TC Department”, by Institute of Engineers, India.

·         Appreciated by Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engg. For Women for receiving MODROB grant and winner in SYRES by JCAME-IEEE (2023)

Grants fetched

Received MODROB-AICTE grants for upgradation of Communication Lab using higher end equipments.

Sanction Amount- Rs. 9,73,500/-

Interaction with Professional Institution

Conducting workshop on Antenna & Matlab workshops by inviting resource person from industry.

Prof. Mahavir Shantinath Kasar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Mahavir Shantinath Kasar
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution05-08-2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade


BE(E&TC) ME(E&TC) Distinction First Class Nil

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

17 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 15

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

02 Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched

Rs.20,000/- for QIP Workshop on “Women Empowerment through Leadership Development”

Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Pranali Rajesh Yawle

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Pranali Rajesh Yawle
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution05-08-2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class First Class Nil

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

9 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

01 01

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

01 01

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Varsha Shashikant Karambelkar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Varsha Shashikant Karambelkar
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution08-08-2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade


BE (E&TC) M.Tech (Elex-VLSI)

First Class Distinction Nil

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

9 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 06

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Vinod Prakash Mulik

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Vinod Prakash Mulik
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution09-08-2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade


BE(E&TC) M.Tech(Elex-VLSI) Distinction Higher IInd class Nil

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

15 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 13

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

01 01

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities

PMKVY Material Inspector Course



Grants fetched

48000+25000( SPPU )

Interaction with Professional Institution

MOU with Industry, Ascent Technology, PMKVY

Prof. Roma Rakesh Jain

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Roma Rakesh Jain
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution27-08-2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade


B.E.(E & TC) M.Tech(E&TC -EI) Nil

First Class Distinction

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

9 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 07

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Yashomati Ram Dhumal

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Yashomati Ram Dhumal
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution29-09-2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade


B.E.(E & TC) M.Tech(Elex-VLSI)

First Class Distinction Pursuing

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

9.5 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 08

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Roshna Jaising Sapkal

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Roshna Jaising Sapkal
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution31-07-2009
Qualifications with Class/Grade


B.E.(E&TC) M.E.(E&TC) Nil

Distinction First Class

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

8.4 Years 0.6 Years Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 06

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

02 01

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Sheetal Venkatrao Shelke

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Sheetal Venkatrao Shelke
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution31-07-2009
Qualifications with Class/Grade


B.E.(E&TC) M.Tech.(Elex-VLSI) Nil

First Class Distinction

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

8.5 Years Nil Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 05

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Atul Bapuso Vitekar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Atul Bapuso Vitekar
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution04-08-2009
Qualifications with Class/Grade

UG             PG              PhD


First class  First class   Pursuing

Total Experience in Years

Teaching   Industry   Research

14 Years   8 years     Nil

Papers Published

National   International

Nil            15

Papers Presented in Conferences

National  International

01           Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Swati Mandar Thorat

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Swati Mandar Thorat
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution22-08-2009
Qualifications with Class/Grade

UG                     PG                           PhD

B.E.(E&TC)      M.Tech(Elex-VLSI)     Pursuing

Distinction        Distinction

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

14 Years         Nil               Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil               13

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil                01

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Varsha Vijay Gaikwad

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Varsha Vijay Gaikwad
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution28-06-2010
Qualifications with Class/Grade


BE(E&TC) M.Tech(Elex-VLSI) Nil

First Class Distinction

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

7.2 Years 1 Year Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 06

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Rameez M. Shamalik

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Rameez M. Shamalik
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution01-08-2010
Qualifications with Class/Grade



First Class Distinction

Total Experience in Years

Teaching Industry Research

7.8 Years 1.5 Year Nil

Papers Published

National International

Nil 04

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

01 01

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents


Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched


Interaction with Professional Institution


Prof. Amol Pandurang Yadav

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Amol Pandurang Yadav
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution20-09-2010
Qualifications with Class/Grade

UG                 PG                             PhD

BE(E&TC)  M.Tech(Elex-VLSI)   Pursuing

Distinction   Distinction

Total Experience in Years

Teaching   Industry      Research

 13 Years   1 Year           Nil

Papers Published

National     International

Nil                11

Papers Presented in Conferences

National International

01           02

Ph.D Guide? Guide field & University

Field University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects Guided

PhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/Patents

3 Patents

Professional Memberships


Consultancy Activities




Grants fetched

Rs. 48000/- for QIP Workshop on “FPGA Based Design”

Interaction with Professional Institution

WIPO Academy, Inavit System Pvt.Ltd., Ashay Measurements Pvt. ltd

Prof. Sonal Mohanrao Patil

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Sonal Mohanrao Patil
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentElectronics and Telecommunication Department
Date of Joining the Institution18-08-2015
Qualifications with Class/GradeUG                     PG               PhD

First Class    First class       Nil

Total Experience in YearsTeaching Industry Research

8 Years Nil Nil

Papers PublishedNational  International

Nil             11

Papers Presented in ConferencesNational International

Nil Nil

Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & UniversityField University

Nil Nil

Ph.Ds/ Projects GuidedPhDs Projects at Masters Level

Nil Nil

Books Published/IPRs/PatentsNil 
Professional MembershipsNil 
Consultancy ActivitiesNil 
Grants fetchedNil 
Interaction with Professional InstitutionNil 


Analog Circuits Laboratory

Analog Circuits Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Analog Circuits Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :76 Sq.Mtr
Lab InchargeProf. S.V.Shelke
Hardware :Analog Trainer Kit, CRO, Function Generator, Power Supply, Signal Generator
Software installed : --
Features of Laboratory:Fundamental Electronics Equipments.

VLSI Laboratory

VLSI Laboratory

Laboratory Name :VLSI Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :65 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. Y. R. Dhumal
Hardware :VLSI Trainer CPLD, FPGA (Spartan 3) Kits, 3G Mobile Trainer, GSM Application Trainer, TSTN T/S/T Switch Trainer, 6 KVA UPS.
Software installed :Xilinx , Micro wind
Features of Laboratory :VLSI trainer Kits

Digital Electronics Laboratory

Digital Electronics Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Digital Electronics Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :65 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. K.D.Mahajan
Hardware :Digital Trainer kits, Power Electronics Kits, Power scope, Differential module, High Voltage Power Supply 0-300V 2 A.
Software installed : --
Feature of Laboratory :Hi End Digital Trainer Kits and Power scope.

Computing Facility Centre (A)

Computing Facility Centre (A)

Laboratory Name :Computing Facility Centre (A)
Area of Laboratory :66  Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. A.B.Vitekar
Hardware :6 KVA Ups
Software installed :MATLAB, LABVIEW
Feature of Laboratory:Uninterrupted Power Supply and Internet

Computing Facility Centre (B)

Computing Facility Centre (B)

Laboratory Name :Computing Facility Centre (B)
Area of Laboratory :36 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. S.S. Salunkhe
Hardware :6 KVA Ups
Software installed :MATLAB, LABVIEW
Feature of Laboratory:Internet

Postgraduate Laboratory

6) Postgraduate Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Postgraduate Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :75 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. M.S.Kasar
Hardware :VLSI Kits Virtex-5, DSP Kits, ARM-9 Kits, Ni MyRio Kits.
Software installed :Mentor Graphics
Feature of Laboratory:Virtex-5-5 Kits, Ni MyRio Kits

Embedded Systems Laboratory

7) Embedded Systems Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Embedded Systems Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :63 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. R.M. Shamalik
Hardware :89E51RD Micro Controller Kits, PIC microcontroller (18F4550) Kits, Embedded - LPC 2148, LPC 1768 Kits
Software installed :MATLAB, Flash magic, KEIL
Feature of Laboratory:Microcontroller Equipment

Communication Engineering Laboratory

8) Communication Engineering Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Communication Engineering Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :63 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. S.M.Bhilegaonkar
Hardware :Vector Network Analyzer, Microwave Test benches (MODROB sanctioned) (Klystron, Gunn, Antenna), Spectrum analyzer, Radio Frequency Generator and Detector-(RFGD-3G) kit, DSO, Programmable AM/FM Signal generator, Optical Fiber Trainer Kit, LISN, AMITEC make Antenna Training lab, Model no. ST2263 Phi electrical micro strip trainer kit
Software installed : -
Feature of Laboratory:AICTE-MODROB Sanctioned equipments
Microwave, Optical and Analog-Digital Trainer kits

Electronics Measurement & Mechatronics Laboratory

Electronics Measurement & Mechatronics Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Electronics Measurement & Mechatronics Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :79 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf. R.J.Sapkal
Hardware :60MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 6 ½ Digital Multimeter, Spectrum Analyzer with 3GHz Tracking Generator, Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Data Acquisition System with onboard and off board sensors, Electro Pneumatic Trainer Kit and Hydraulic Trainer Kit
Software installed : -
Feature of Laboratory:Spectrum Analyzer , Data Acquisition System, Departmental Library

Electronics Devices & Circuits, PCB Laboratory

Electronics Devices & Circuits, PCB Laboratory

Laboratory Name :Electronics Devices & Circuits, PCB Laboratory
Area of Laboratory :76 Sq.Mtr.
Lab InchargeProf.V.P.Mulik
Hardware :CRO, DSO Function Generators, PCB Shearing and cutting machine
Software installed :-
Feature of Laboratory:Hardware Software Integrated Electronic devices & Circuits Practical

Information Technology

The department of Information Technology (IT) aims at developing technical and experimental skills in students along with logical thinking so as to prepare them for competent, responsible and rewarding careers in IT profession. We strive to achieve the aim with young, dynamic and highly qualified faculty members, state of art infrastructure and Industry-Institution Interaction.

The department has laboratories which are well equipped with latest configuration machines, high speed internet, Wi-Fi and legal licensed software. Modern aids such as LCD, Educational CDs make classroom teaching more interesting.

We encourage extra-curricular activities as they help in developing the student’s personality which ultimately enhances her future. It is our constant endeavor to shape personalities who will contribute positively to the world around them.
Prof. Dr. Mrs. Godse D. A.
M.E., Ph.D. (Computer Engg.)
Head of Department

Vision, Mission


Globally competent women engineers through excellence in IT education.


  1. Develop requisite skills and competencies in the field of IT.
  2. Groom students for responsible and rewarding careers in the field of IT.
  3. Build confidence and personality development through curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  1. To Possess strong fundamental concepts in mathematics, science, engineering, and Technology to address technological challenges.
  2. To Possess knowledge and skills in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology for analyzing, designing, and implementing complex engineering problems of any domain with innovative approaches.
  3. To Possess an attitude and aptitude for research, entrepreneurship, and higher studies in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology.
  4. To Have a commitment to ethical practices, societal contributions through communities, and life-long learning.
  5. To Possess better communication, presentation, time management, and teamwork skills leading to responsible & competent professionals and will be able to address challenges in the field of IT at the global level.

  Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

  Upon successful completion of UG course in Information Technology, the Graduates will be able to attain following Program Specific Outcomes:

  1. Graduates will possess knowledge of IT infrastructure, data management systems, networking, and security.
  2. Graduates will be able to understand and apply algorithmic techniques and programming skills for providing software solutions in the IT industry.
  3. Graduates will be capable of acquiring and demonstrating technical competencies in emerging technologies of Information Technology

  Program Outcomes (POs):

Graduates of IT program will be able to attain,

  1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
  9. Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Department SWOC Analysis


  1. Qualified, experienced and dedicated staff with good faculty retention ratio.
  2. Well-equipped Laboratories.
  3. Faculty members are involved in design, development and implementation of curriculum in Board of Studies of affiliating university.
  4. Effective use of ICT in teaching learning process.
  5. Assistance by staff members for counseling and mentoring of the students.
  6. Efficient Academic monitoring.
  7. Encouragement to the students for implementing research projects.


  1. Inadequate consultancy services.
  2. Refinement in aptitude and communication skill for students.
  3. Modest employability.
  4. Few research publications in peer reviewed international journal showing high impact factor.


  1. Promotion for Ph.D.
  2. Conduction of FDP and STTP.
  3. Organization of national/international on conferences and value addition programs
  4. Motivation for sponsored projects.


  1. Better Placement in companies
  2. Intensify industry and institute interaction.
  3. Promoting involvement in the summer school and industry internship.
  4. Efficacious participation of alumni for strengthening the department.

Future Plans:

  1. To promote patents.
  2. To prepare students for placement from entry level.
  3. Establish linkages with reputed industries.
  4. Online submission and assessment of assignment and unit test.
  5. Setting up a virtual laboratory for programming based assignments.
  6. Setting up a private academic CLOUD.

Faculty Information

Prof. Dr. Deepali Atul Godse

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Dr. Deepali Atul Godse
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution02-07-2003
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First Class First Class Computer Engg.
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 30 Years Nil Nil
Papers Published National International Nil 18
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil Nil
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Information Technology Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents 77 Books, ISBN Numbers: 9789333200103, 9789333200141, 9789333200677, 9789333200950, 9789333200998, 9789333201025, 9789333201032, 9789333201384, 9789333201391, 9789333201667, 9789333201728, 9789333201735, 9789333201940, 9789333202015, 9789333202091, 9789333202213, 9789333202374, 9789333202817, 9789333202824, 9789333202862, 9789333202893, 9789333202923, 9789333202978, 9789333203142, 9789333203333, 9789333203593, 9789333203852, 9789333204712, 9789333205047, 9789333205078, 9789333205429, 9789333205641, 9789333206211, 9789333206259, 9789333206273, 9789333206754, 9789333207171, 9789333207300, 9789333209915, 9789333210027, 9789333210270, 9789333210423, 9789333210546, 9789333210638, 9789333210737, 978-93-332-1111-6, 978-93-332-1118-5, 978-93-32-163-5, 978-93-332-1213-7, 978-93-332-1227-4, 978-93-332-1233-5, 978-93-332-1252-6, 978-93-332-1284-7, 978-93-332-1285-4, 978-93-332-1330-1, 978-93-332-1353-0, 978-93-332-1369-1, 978-93-332-1400-1, 978-93-332-1412-4, 978-93-332-1425-4, 978-93-332-1426-1, 978-93-332-1439-1, 978-93-332-1445-2, 978-93-332-1484-1, 978-93-332-1494-0, 978-93-332-1554-1, 978-93-332-1555-8, 978-93-332-1571-8, 978-93-332-1627-2, 978-93-332-1650-0, 978-93-332-1658-6, 978-93-332-1667-8, 978-93-332-1674-6, 978-93-332-1675-3, 978-93-332-1681-4, 978-93-332-1691-3, 978-93-332-1717-0
Professional Memberships LMISTE ACM Professional Membership for Year 2016-17
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards 1. Pune Municipal Corporation Award on 15th August 2006 for work done in education and social fields. 2. Awarded on the occasion of International Women’s Day by “Bharatiya Shikshan Sanstha” at Yashawantrao Chavan Pratishthan Sabhagrih , Mumbai on 8th March, 2006. 3. “Best Parent Award” by Pushpadevi Dugad Junior College on 26th Jan, 2014. 4. Bharati Vidyapeeth Seva Gaurav Puraskar on 10th May 2017
Grants fetched 1. Rs.100000/- Sanctioned by Savitribai Phule Pune University 2. Rs. 49000/- Sanctioned by Savitribai Phule Pune University
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Dr. Ketaki. Amit Malgi

Name of Teaching StaffDr. Ketaki. Amit Malgi
DesignationAssociate Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution02-01-2003
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First-class         First-Class     Computer Science & Engg. with Distinction with Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 22 years 06 months Nil
Papers Published National International 01 18
Papers Presented in Conferences National International 01           01
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships LMISTE ,AIENG
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched Nil
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Ms. Mugdha A. Rane

Name of Teaching StaffMs. Mugdha A. Rane
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution21-08-2006
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD 1st class 1st class ---- Distinction Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 17 Years Nil Nil
Papers Published National International Nil 10
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil Nil
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships LMISTE
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched BCUD Research Grant – 65,000/-
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Mrs. Hadke S.A

Name of Teaching StaffMrs. Hadke S.A
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution08-02-2007
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First Class First Class ---
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 16.5 Years   Nil           Nil
Papers Published National International Nil               18
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil              01
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed &University Field University Nil Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil              Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships LMISTE
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched Nil
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Ms.Swati Ashok Sagar

Name of Teaching StaffMs.Swati Ashok Sagar
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution01-01-2007
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First Class First Class -- with Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 16 years Nil Nil
Papers Published National International 00 14
Papers Presented in Conferences National International 01 03
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil                      Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships LMISTE
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched Nil
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Prof. Ashwini D. Khairkar

Name of Teaching StaffProf. Ashwini D. Khairkar
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution09-08-2008
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First Class First Class Registered
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 15.4 Years Nil Nil
Papers Published National International Nil            10
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil            02
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil         Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil                          Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships Nil
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched BCUD Research Grant Rs.50,000/-
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Ms Ashwini V. Kanade

Name of Teaching StaffMs Ashwini V. Kanade
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution11-08-2008
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First Class         First Class            Registered with Distinction with Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 15.4 Years Nil Nil
Papers Published National International Nil 13
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil 1
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships ACM Professional Membership
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched Rs 1,00,000/- sanctioned by Savitribai Phule Pune University
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Ms. Nilofar A. Mulla

Name of Teaching StaffMs. Nilofar A. Mulla
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution16-11-2009
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG PG PhD First Class First Class Pursuing with Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 14 Years 2.4 Years
Papers Published National International Nil 13
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil Nil
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents Nil
Professional Memberships Nil
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched BCUD Research Grant Rs.2,50,000/-
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil

Mr. Kamlesh V. Patil

Name of Teaching StaffMr. Kamlesh V. Patil
DesignationAssistant Professor
DepartmentInformation Technology
Date of Joining the Institution15-12-2016
Qualifications with Class / Grade UG                            PG                                 PhD First Class          First Class                            Pursuing --- with Distinction   with Distinction
Total Experience in years Teaching Industry Research 7 Years       Nil           Nil
Papers Published National International Nil            12
Papers Presented in Conferences National International Nil           Nil
Ph.D Guide? Guide filed & University Field University Nil         Nil
Ph.Ds / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Nil Nil
Books Published / IPRs / Patents 2 Patents Published
Professional Memberships Nil
Consultancy Activities Nil
Awards Nil
Grants fetched Nil
Interaction with Professional Institutions Nil



Language Laboratory

Laboratory nameLanguage Laboratory
Area75 Sq. Mtr.
Lab In chargeProf. S.A.Sagar
Software InstalledWindows XP, Microsoft office 2013, TC, Tasm, Xilink, Modelsim.
HardwareWindows XP, Microsoft office 2013, TC, Tasm, Xilink, Modelsim.
FeaturesThis laboratory is equipped with computer hardware components such as motherboard, keyboard, mouse, CPU, disk drives, and UPS. This lab is having resources like digital trainer kits, Microprocessor kits, microcontroller kits, and other peripherals. This laboratory is designed to educate students of SE IT 3rd & 4th semester in different areas of computer hardware.

Hardware Laboratory

Laboratory nameHardware Laboratory
Area65 Sq. Mtr.
Lab In-chargeProf. A. P. Kadam
Lab Co In-chargeProf. S. A. Sagar
Software InstalledUbuntu 14.6, Xilink, Modelsim.
Hardware· No of computers:10

· Digital Trainer kits:50

· Microprocessor Kits:17

· Microcontroller kits:21

· Peripherals:13

FeaturesThis laboratory is equipped with computer hardware components such as motherboard, keyboard, mouse, CPU, disk drives, and UPS. This lab is having resources like digital trainer kits, Microprocessor kits, microcontroller kits, and other peripherals.This laboratory is designed to educate students of SE IT and COMP 3rd & 4th semester in different areas of computer hardware.

Operating System Laboratory

Laboratory nameOperating System Laboratory
Area82 Sq. Mtr.
Lab In chargeProf. A. D. Khairkar
Software InstalledUbuntu 15.04, Windows 7, Mongodb 2.6.3,MySQL 5.5.60, Ms Office 2013, JDK,Anaconda 5.4,Jupyter Notebook5.4,Argo UML 0.32,GCC Complier,FTP Server
HardwareNo. of Computers: 23 No. of Printers : 05 No. of scanner: 01
FeaturesConfigured with File Transfer Protocol and Hadoop Framework.

Network Laboratory

Network LaboratoryNetwork Laboratory
Area65 Sq. Mtr.
Lab In chargeProf. N. A. Mulla
Software InstalledUbuntu 15.04, Windows 7, Rational Rose
HardwareNo. of Computers: 18 No. of Printers : 07 Scanner=01 OHP=01 D Link Switch=01 UPS=02
FeaturesNConduction of Online Examination Dual boot configuration Persistent disk storage for working files & personal settings Internet connectivity to every computer

Software Laboratory

Laboratory nameSoftware Laboratory
Location209A (2nd Floor)
Area63 Sq. Mtr.
Lab In chargeProf. M. A. Rane
Software InstalledOS: Ubuntu 15.04, Windows 7 Packet Tracer, MS office 2013, JDK, Argo UML, OpenGL
HardwareNo of computers : 21 No of LX300 Printers : 03 No. of HP Printers: 04 LCD Hitachi: 01
FeaturesDual boot configuration UPS Backup Persistent disk storage for working files & personal settings Internet connectivity to every computer

System Laboratory

Laboratory nameSystem Laboratory
Area63 Sq. Mtr.
Lab In chargeProf. S.A.Hadke
Software InstalledUbuntu 15.04, MS office 2007, JDK , Argo UML
HardwareNo of computers : 20 No of Printers : 04 Projector Hitachi CPX-3030WN: 1 6 KVA APC UPS:1
FeaturesPersistent disk storage for working files & personal settings Internet connectivity to every computer
24x7 Women Helpline number
News and Updates

FE Engineering Admission ACAP Round-III 2024-25

FE Engineering Admission Institute Level Round 3 2024-25

FE Engineering Admission 2024-25 Merit List for Institute Level

FE Engineering Admission IL Round-II 2024-25

FE Engineering Admission ACAP Round-II 2024-25

Placements at Standard Chartered Bank

We are proud to announce that 7 of our students have successfully secured placements at Standard Chartered Bank, with an impressive package of ₹8.25 lpa. This accomplishment showcases the hard work and commitment of our students, supported by the dedicated efforts of our faculty. Congratulations to the selected students, and we wish them continued success in their careers

Placements at Amdocs

We are proud to announce that 15 talented students of our college BVCOEW have successfully secured prestigious placements at Amdocs, with an impressive package of ₹6,50,000 LPA. This outstanding achievement is a testament to the relentless dedication, perseverance, and brilliance of our students, further elevated by the unwavering guidance and support provided by our esteemed faculty and the Training & Placement Cell. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the selected students and wish them continued success and excellence as they embark on this remarkable journey.

Placements at Atlas Copco

We are proud to announce that 13 of our students have successfully secured placements at Atlas Copco, with an impressive package of ₹6,36,839 per annum. This accomplishment showcases the hard work and commitment of our students, supported by the dedicated efforts of our faculty. Congratulations to the selected students, and we wish them continued success in their careers

CAP Vacancies 2024-25

Schedule of Activities for First Year Engineering Admission Against CAP Vacancies : 2024-25

Admission 2024-25

FE DSE & ME Engineering Admission 2024-25 Notice




Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering for Women is proud to inform that Global Talent Track (GTT) Foundation, 11th edition of NES Innovation Awards nominated our Innovative Project SHOPSTOCK: Object Detection and Counting with Deep Learning guided by Prof. Pranoti Kale in Top 3 - Winning Category. The Innovators Tanvi Mahajan, Ankita Kanawade, Samrudhi Shete, Shweta Jadhav are from Final Year Computer Engineering. Top 3 winners are shortlisted out of over 700 innovative ideas submitted, with participation from more than 2200 students, makes this project unique. The Project team members and Project guide were honoured with a Cash Prize, Trophy and Winning Certificate on 5th July 2024. It is a matter of pride for the institute to announce that the felicititation was by the hands of Padma Vibhushan Shri. Raghunath A. Mashelkar, Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Dr. Uma Ganesh and other industry leaders. Principal Dr Pradeep Jadhav, Vice-Principal, Heads of Department attended the event.


Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering for Women is proud to inform that Global Talent Track (GTT) Foundation, 11th edition of NES Innovation Awards nominated our Innovative Project SHOPSTOCK: Object Detection and Counting with Deep Learning guided by Prof. Pranoti Kale in Top 3 - Winning Category. The Innovators Tanvi Mahajan, Ankita Kanawade, Samrudhi Shete, Shweta Jadhav are from Final Year Computer Engineering. Top 3 winners are shortlisted out of over 700 innovative ideas submitted, with participation from more than 2200 students, makes this project unique. The Project team members and Project guide were honoured with a Cash Prize, Trophy and Winning Certificate on 5th July 2024. It is a matter of pride for the institute to announce that the felicititation was by the hands of Padma Vibhushan Shri. Raghunath A. Mashelkar, Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Dr. Uma Ganesh and other industry leaders. Principal Dr Pradeep Jadhav, Vice-Principal, Heads of Department attended the event.

Uno Minda

It’s our pleasure to interact with Uno Minda team Akbar, Senior Manager, Human Resource Management and get the feedback about our on-boarded students. Understanding each others perspective will mutually help to take proactive actions at Institute level. Thank you so much Group Talent Head and Vice President of HR, Mr. Pran Ranjan, Group Talent Management Head and General Manager, Mr. Sameer Srivastava and Shipra Rathore, Manager, Talent Management for the brainstorming session on 5th July 2024 @ Radisson Blu, Hinjewadi

Invitation - International Conference on Recent Trends in Science,Technology and Management (ICRTSTM - 2024)

ICRTSTM - 2024

ICRTSTM - 2024

Implementation of National Education Policy 2020

SCHOOL CONNECT (NEP CONNECT) workshop on “Implementation of National Education Policy 2020”

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune organized a SCHOOL CONNECT (NEP CONNECT) workshop titled "Implementation of National Education Policy 2020" on 26th June 2024. The workshop was organized for the 12th pass-out students and their parents, aiming to familiarize them with the key aspects of the NEP 2020.

The workshop was expertly conducted by Prof. Vijay Navale, covering essential topics including an overview of NEP, the significance of skill development, and the merits of a multidisciplinary approach in education. The session was graced by Principal Prof. Dr. P.V. Jadhav, Vice Principal (Academic) Prof. Dr. S. S. Chorge, Vice Principal (Admin) Prof. Dr. A. M. Pawar, along with all Heads of Departments, 100 students, and their parents.

The event was made successful by Dedicated Committee:

  1. Prof. Dr. S. A. Pawar (NEP Coordinator)
  2. Prof. M. A. Patwardhan (NEP Co-Coordinator)
  3. Prof. S. M. Thorat
  4. Prof. S. A. Hadke
  5. Prof. R. J. Sapkal 

This initiative reflects BVCOEW’s proactive approach to aligning with national educational reforms and empowering students and parents with pertinent knowledge.

Enlightening Minds

Enlightening Minds Under Session-1 of the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) “Impact Lecture Series 2024”, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering For Women, Pune, orchestrated a transformative seminar titled "Entrepreneurship and Innovation as a Career Opportunity" on April 12th, 2024. Mr. Mohan Anturkar spearheaded the session, delving into pivotal topics such as conquering the fear of failure and fostering wealth creation with positivity. Notably, the event was organized by BVCOEW as part of the impactful lecture series sponsored by the AICTE Ministry of Education.

The seminar, graced by Principal Dr. P.V. Jadhav, who serves as the President of IIC, witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 100 students, including second and third-year students from all departments. This impactful session was made possible by the relentless efforts of dedicated coordinators:

  1. Principal Dr. P.V. Jadhav (IIC President)
  2. Prof. A.D. Khairkar (IIC Convener)
  3. Prof. Dr. S.L. Kore
  4. Prof. V.P. Mulik
  5. Prof. M.S. Kasar

Their unwavering support ensured the success of this enlightening session, promising to pave the way for innovation and empowerment at BVCOEW, Pune.

Impact Lecture Series 2024

Exciting Update! Session 2 of the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) “Impact Lecture Series 2024” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering For Women, Pune, unfolded a fascinating seminar on "Intellectual Property Rights" on April 12th, 2024. The esteemed speaker, Mrs. Kalyani Ahire, CEO of Synnolect Innovation, illuminated the significance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in today's dynamic landscape.Participants delved into key concepts surrounding IPR, guided by Mrs. Ahire's expertise. With engaging discussions on patents, copyrights, and trademarks, students gained valuable insights into protecting and leveraging their innovative ideas.

Vmedulife Software

NAAC PTV Preparation Guidelines

BVCOEW, Pune organized a session of Dr. P. J. Kulkarni, Advisor Professor in CSE RIT, Islampur on “NAAC PTV Preparation Guidelines” on 30th May, 2024. Principal Prof. Dr. Pradeep Jadhav and all teaching faculty attended the session. The session was very informative & interactive. Prof. Dr. Kulkarni solved all the queries related to NAAC raised by the faculty.

Walmart Offer Letter

Heartiest Congratulations, Ms Utkarsha Kakde from IT Department received Walmart offer letter, CTC including Base Pay, Joining Bonus 22 LPA.


ICRTSTM 2024 was jointly organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune, Maharashtra, India and RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


ICRTSTM 2024 was jointly organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune, Maharashtra, India and RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Interaction with GATE appeared students

Interaction with BE E&TC - 2023-24 batch GATE appeared students with Principal Dr.Pradeep Jadhav, HoD Dr.S.R. Patil, Prof.Dr.V.R. Pawar, Prof.Dr.S.M. Jagdale

A session on, 'Atal FDP proposal drafting and it's submission'

A session on, 'Atal FDP proposal drafting and it's submission', was organized in the institute on 2nd May 2024, at NAAC Room. Dr. Vijaya Pawar - ARC, articulated the entire flow of ATAL FDP. Eligibility criteria, Thrust areas and subareas, were explored by her. Prof. Dr. P.V.Jadhav - Principal elaborated the importance of applying for the research and development grants.

Windows and Networking - Citrix Technology

The Alumni Association of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune, (Department of Information Technology) organized a session titled "Windows and Networking - Citrix Technology" for SE and TE students on 25th April, 2024.Our esteemed alumni, Shital Bhoite, 2011-12 graduate currently working at Infosys, delivered an enlightening session, providing valuable insights into the integration of Windows operating systems with networking, with a special focus on Citrix Technology. The session also highlighted the diverse career opportunities available in Citrix administration and networking, encouraging students to pursue relevant certifications and skill development initiatives for a successful career in the IT industry. Overall, the seminar was well-received by the SE and TE students, providing them with a deeper understanding of the subject matter and equipping them with valuable knowledge for their future endeavors in the field of IT. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Shital Bhoite.

AICTE Career Portal

Today, AICTE took a significant step forward in career development by partnering with APNA.co to introduce the 'AICTE Career Portal' tailored for engineering graduates. Representatives from BVCOEW, Prof. Dr. P. V. Jadhav (Principal), Prof. Dr. Avinash Pawar (Vice Principal, Admin.), Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (HoD, EnTC Engg.), Prof. D. D. Pukale (HoD, Comp. Engg.), and Prof. Dr. Ketaki Malgi (In charge, HoD, IT), actively participated in the live streaming of the grand launch event. Principal Prof. Dr. P. V. Jadhav underscored the portal's significance by announcing the enrolment and resume building/uploading initiatives for 2024 and 2025 graduates. Under the directives of AICTE Chairman Prof T.G. Sitharam, the portal aims to empower youth across the nation with access to career opportunities, internships, and CV-building resources.

Ms. Vidya Ambre, representing Falmer University, visited Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women

Ms. Vidya Ambre, representing Falmer University, visited Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women on 25th April, 2024. The purpose of Ms. Vidya's visit was to discuss the possibility of conducting a session for our students to spread awareness about studying abroad in the UK, specifically at Falmer University. The meeting was productive, with discussions focusing on the benefits and opportunities available for students interested in pursuing higher education in the UK. The session aims to encourage students to consider international education opportunities and to provide them with the necessary guidance and support.

Women Health Awareness Session

Session was conducted for all ladies teaching faculty and non-teaching staff. This session was conducted by Miss. Aarti Shitole, from Unimax India. Principal Dr.P.V.Jadhav felicitated Miss.Aarti. Miss.Aarti gave very useful and ayurvedic solutions for acidity, improper digestion, diabetis , BP ,suger , pcod, etc .She told various ayurvedic plants for ayurvedic brew and how to make it from scratch. Then nadiparikshan was also done by Miss. Aarti and her team and on a good note the program came to an end with vote of thanks given by Prof. Chaudhari K.R. ; it was a very informative session altogether.

Diversity Industrial Visit at Amdocs, Pune

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune - Diversity Industrial Visit at Amdocs, Pune Office on 13th April 2024.

Session by Alumni Association

Alumni Association of BV College of Engineering For Women, Pune (E&TC Dept.) organized a session on "Preparation for Competitive Examinations" by alumni Mrs. Shital Mane, a 2015-16 passout, shared her insights on career and daily professional life challenges. Mrs. Mane emphasized the importance of setting clear career targets and advised to follow proper and focused timeline. She encouraged students to consider competitive exams such as MPSC and UPSC, emphasizing the significance of independence and time management. She also gave importance on balanced diet which plays an important role in effective preparation and stress management in the journey of preparation of competitive exams. Concluded with a call to action, urging students to start planning today rather than waiting for tomorrow.

Session by Alumni Association

Alumni Association of BV College of Engineering for Women, Pune (E&TC Dept.) organized a session on "Professional Etiquettes" by alumini Mrs Rekha Takalkar, a 2016-17 pass out. She shared her journey of studying at college to working as senior associate. Mrs. Takalkar emphasized the importance of learning communication skills. She explained how it is important to focus on the Academic learning and extra curriculum activities. She also emphasized on not giving up attitude, no matter what, and explained how we should keep trying every day. She shared how she never gave up and improved and kept brushing her skills and kept learning from her mistakes. She explained how it is important to start learning and improving your skills in college and learn professional ethics. Concluded with vote of thanks by SE student Ms. Sophia Inamdar.

FE Admission 2023-24 - Merit List and Schedule for ACAP Seats

FE Admission 2023-24 - Merit List and Schedule for ACAP Seats

FE Admission 2023-24 Against CAP Vacancy

FE Admission 2023-24 Against CAP Vacancy.

ICC Event 2022

Admissions Against CAP Round

FE Admission Against CAP Round Schedule

Selected for W.Z. Inter-University Basketball Tournament

Gymkhana Department: It is indeed a proud moment that our student Chaitanya Raje, SE, E&TC, got selected for West Zonal Inter-University Basketball Tournament and will be representing BVCOEWOMEN. Heartiest congratulations and many best wishes to Chaitanya. - Dr Gauri Patil, Physical Director, and Prof Dr. S. R. Patil, Principal, BVCOEWOMEN, Pune.

बी.ई. / एम.ई. शुल्क तक्ता २०२२-२३

शुल्क नियामक प्राधिकरणाद्वारे निर्धारित बी.ई. / एम.ई. शुल्क तक्ता २०२२-२३

Fees for B.E./M.E. for AY 2022-23

Fees Regulation Authority's Fees for B.E./M.E. for the Academic Year 2022-23

Annual College Magazine "Oyster"

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune had organized unveiling ceremony of Annual College Magazine "Oyster" by the hands Chief Guest Mr. Sameer Dharmadhikari renowned actor, director and Hon'ble Dr. M. S. SAGARE Joint Secretary Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)Pune on 28th May 2022.

शिवस्वराज्य दिन

सोमवार दिनांक ६ जून२०२२ रोजी भारती विद्यापीठचे महिला अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालयात शिवस्वराज्य दिन मोठ्या उत्साहाने साजरा करण्यात आला. महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य माननीय डॉ. एस आर पाटील.यांनीप्रथम शिवाजी महाराजांच्या प्रतिमेचे पूजन केले व राष्ट्रगीताने कार्यक्रमास सुरुवात झाली. प्रथम वर्षाचे प्रमुख डॉ. प्रो. ए. एम पवार सर तसेच गणित, रसायन शास्त्र, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक विभागातील आणि इलेक्ट्रिकल विभागातील सर्व मान्यवर शिक्षक या कार्यक्रमास उपस्थित होते.

Internal Hackathon 2022
SIH 2022

First Prize Magzine Award

BVCOE for Women Pune college has received First Prize Magzine Award for "Oyster-2020". Also received "Oyster-2019" Best College Magzine Award-Third Prize at the hands of Hon. Vice Chancellor-SPPU- Dr. Karmalkar on 25/11/2021.

Basketball tournaments

Institute has successfully organized SPPU-Pune CIty Zone- Intercollegiate Basketball tournaments (Boys and Girls).


Institutional MoU with Edunet (non-profit organization providing IBM Skill-Build digital learning platform focused on emerging technologies)
MoU Coordinator:
Prof.Dr.Ketaki Malgi
Dept. of Information Technology
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

Warmest Welcome


BVCOE for Women, Pune organised National Level AICTE-ATAL-FDP on Machine Learning from 8th to 12th November 2021.


Department of E&TC is organising the First National Level AICTE funded ATAL Academy Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning from 08/11/2021 to 12/11/2021. 200 participants across the nation have already registered for this FDP. Renowned Resource Persons will enlighten the participants during FDP with their insightful knowledge.


Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
MoU with core ELECTRONICS Industry "ELON POWER"
MoU Coordinator:
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Heartiest Congratulations


Department of Computer Engineering
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Ms. K. S. Warke
Head of Department:
Prof. D. D. Pukale
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil


Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Mrs. S. B. Dhuttargi
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil


Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. A. D. Khairkar
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse


MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse
Prof. Dr. S. R Patil

MoU -1

Department of Information Technology MOU with core IT industry
MOU Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Ketaki Malgi
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
A.Y. - 2021-22
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -2

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry.
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. S. A. Sagar
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -3

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. S. S. Thite & Prof. K. V. Patil
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -4

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. S. A. Hadke
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -5

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinators:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse & Prof. A. V. Kanade
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -6

Department of E&TC
MoU with core Electronics Industry
MoU Coordinators
HoD E&TC & Principal
Heartiest congratulations

MoU 1

BVCOEWOMEN, Pune Department of E&TC ( A.Y.2021-22)
MoU with Core Electronic Industry.
MoU Coordinator Prof. Rameez Shamalik

MoU 2

BVCOEWOMEN, Pune Department of E&TC (A.Y.2021-22)
One more MoU signed with CORE Electronics Industry
MoU Coordinators:- 1.Prof.Mulik 2.Prof.Yadav
Hearty congratulations

Yoga Workshop

Our college has received AICTE-SPICES-Grant of Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees One Lakh) for A.Y. 2021-22.


Proposal Coordinator:
Prof.Dr.S.R.Patil, Principal & H.O.D E&TC

Proposal co-cordinator:
Prof.Dr.V.R.Pawar, Asso.Prof.-E&TC


BVCOEW is truely proud of Kritika Rai's achievement, Kritika your hard work and dedication has paid off. You are selected as Software Development Engineer (SDE2) by Walmart Global Tech with 20.67 lakh annual package. We wish you success for all your future endeavours.

First Year Engg.

First Year Engineering Admission 2020-21 against CAP Vacancies & Institute Level Seats Schedule

Direct Second Year Engg.

Direct Second Year Engineering against CAP Vacancies & Institute Level Seats Schedule

SE Branch Change Notice

Prestigious NES Award

BVCOE for Women Pune,Information Technology dept. has received prestigious NES Award on 25th July 2020.

Heartiest congratulations to Project Group, Kshitija, Abhilasha, Tejal, Varsha, Project Guides Prof. Dhuttargi, Prof. Khairkar, Team of IT Dept. & BVCOEW.

Online Certificate Webinar

Recruitment Trends and Associated Skills in association with BVCOE for Women, Pune, and SkillEdge on 4th July 2020.

College Exam Guidance Committee

Online Faculty Development Program

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women Pune, Department of Information Technology in association with 9Ledge Pro, Pune has organized Online Faculty Development Program On “Python Programming” on 4th May 2020 to 9th May 2020.

Redressal of Grievances related to COVID-19 pandemic

Bharati Vidyapeeth 56th Foundation Day

Online Faculty Development Program

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women Pune, Department of Information Technology in association with 9Ledge Pro, Pune has organized Online Faculty Development Program On “Python Programming” on 4th May 2020 to 9th May 2020.

Faculty Development Program on Latex

Department of Computer Engineering has organized one week Faculty Development Program on Latex in association with IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial on 7th May to 9th May 2020.

Webinar on “Technical Interview Preparation

Department of Information Technology has organized Webinar on “Technical Interview Preparation” for Second Year Students on 11th May 2020.

Graduation Ceremony
2018-19 Batch

Graduation Ceremony
2018-19 Batch

BVCOE for Women, Pune Alumni association Activity Session by Distinguished alumni, Vijayshri Marathe, 2011 batch

“Health Care and Awareness“ session by Dr. Seema Sonis on 18th January 2019. Session jointly organized by BVCOE for Women, SPPU Student Development Board.

Microsoft CFP session by Microsoft Field Engineer our Alumni, Miss. Harshada Kshirsagar and Miss. More. Very useful session for students on 20th January 2019.

Meeting with All CRs of our institute from FE to BE.

Avishkar 2020 : Groups selected for Zonal Level….All the best students!!!

Blood Donation Camp organized by BVDUCOE, Pune.

Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Phule Abhivdan on 3rd January 2020

Organized seminar on “Placement Opportunities in Japan” by YASH Overseas, Rajasthan on 9th January 2020.

BVCOE for Women, Pune organized Self Defense workshop for girls on 10th January 2020.

Heartiest Congratulations

Hearty Congratulations to Magazine Team for getting Savitribai Phule Pune University 3rd prize.

MoU signing ceremony with Zensar ESD on 12th August 2019.

FE Welcome Address for Parents and Students on 13th August 2019.

Successful organization of "Prolifics" pool campus at our institute on 27 & 28th August 2019. Total 400 students has been participated.

Alumni students contributed for Flood affected people from Sangli districts on 28th August 2019.

Successful conduction of "FIT INDIA MOVEMENT" event on 29th August 2019.

A Seminar on "Personality Development, Work Ethics and Duties" has organized for NON-TEACHING staff on 31st August 2019.

First Year Dept. Induction Program on 13th August 2019.

Prof. P.D. Kale conducted workshop at BVCOE, Kolhapur on current requirements & preparation for Training & Placement on 14th September 2019.

BVCOE foe Women, Pune continued tradition of SPPU University Ranker. E & TC rocked once again. Ms. Komal Pawar of BE E&TC A.Y. 2017-18, secured Ninth rank among SPPU merit list.

Thought Works campus drive on 26th August 2019.

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for women, Pune Volleyball Team won "MIT SUMMIT-19" at "National Level Inter-Engineering Tournament.

Session for "Scholarship process" is arranged for all FE, DSE students of all departments on 25th & 26th September 2019.

21 Students got placed in VODAFONE placement drive with package 4.2 LPA on 26th September 2019.

Notice: Direct Second Year Admission 2019-20 Against CAP Vacancies

Click here for details...

Notice 2 - F.E. Admission 2019-20 Against CAP Vacancies

Notice 1 - F.E. Admission 2019-20 Against CAP Vacancies

BVCOE for Women, Pune 121 Students placed as on date.

BVCOE for Women, Pune Students attended Sales force workshop on 29th June in Novotel.

BVCOE for Women, Pune SPPU-NSS Tree plantation activity at Sinhgad foothills on 06/07/2019.

TIME managerial team visited our college on 12/7/2019.

ICT - Academy managerial team visited our institute on 12/07/2019. Very fruitful meeting and discussion in the interest of institutional tie-up.

National Level Workshop

National Level Workshop on AWS- Academy Cloud Foundation in collaboration with AWS Academy and Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women,Pune on 6th to 9th May 2019.

C and Data Structure workshop

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for women has organized Basic C and Data Structure workshop on 5th to 7th February 2019 with Sunbeam Pune.

Disaster Management workshop

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for women has organized Disaster Management workshop on 13th February 2019 with NDRF,Sudumbare team

MoU with Abstract IT & Engg Solutions

Computer Engineering Department of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune, has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Abstract IT & Engg Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Pune. Coordinated by Mrs. Jayashree D. Jadhav and Mr. D.D.Pukale, HoD Computer Engg. Dept.

Best Paper at "NCRITSI 2K19"

Heartiest Congratulations! BE students from Dept of Information Technology received award for Best Paper presented at National Conference on "NCRITSI 2K19" organized by D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune in association with UGC Approved journal IJRAT (International Journal of Research and Advent Technology) guided by Ms Ashwini D Khairkar. L-R : Ms.Rutuja Gaddam, Ms.Aditi Dahiwadkar, Ms.Vaibhavi Zende, Dr.S.R.Patil (I/c Principal ), Dr.D.A.Godse (HOD-IT), Ms.Ashwini Khairkar

PCM Cloudtech Pvt. Ltd.

A MoU has been signed between PCM Cloudtech Pvt. Ltd. and Department of Information Technology on 12th February, 2019.

MoU with QJ Technologies

MoU between QJ Technologies and Department of Information Technology : A memorandum of understanding for providing Internship and sponsorship for final year projects has been signed between QJ Technologies and Department of Information Technology on 8th February 2019

MoU with Gigante Technologies

MoU between Gigante Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Department of Information Technology : A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for "Providing Internship, Sponsorship for Final year projects, Placement and Training on Cyber Security, Digi Marketing has been signed on 30th Jan 2019.

Seminar on Patent Registration

A one day seminar titled ‘Patent Registration’ was organised by Research Committee of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune-43, on Tuesday, 22nd January 2019. An eminent speaker, Prof. Dr. H.U. Tiwari, Principal, Pimpari Chinchwad College of Engineering & Research, Pune was the resource person.

Seminar on Plagiarism Awareness

A one day seminar titled ‘Plagiarism Awareness and How to write the Research Paper’ was organised by Research Committee of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, on Monday, 21st January 2019. An eminent speaker, Prof. Dr. V.K. Bairagi, Professor, AISSMS, Institute of Information Technology, Pune was the resource person.

4 Days workshop on, "Life skill practices

4 Days workshop on, "Life skill practices in association with Art of Living".. Sitting Lto R..Prof.Yashomati, Principal Dr.S.R.Patil,Tutor Shital and Prof.Roshna and participatants..

MoU between KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd

MoU between KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. And Department of Information Technology, L-R: Mrs. S. A. Hadke (MoU Coordinator), Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (I/C Principal), Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse (HOD, IT), Mr. A. B. Aher (Founder and Director, KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for “Knowledge sharing sessions, Placement preparation” has been signed between KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and the Department of Information Technology on 14th January, 2019.

Seminar on Internet of Things (IoT)

BVCOEW organized a seminar on topic “Internet of Things (IoT)” under FSAI Student chapter on 23rd Jan 2019 at 11.15 am to 1.15 pm. Speaker was Mr. Nikhil Bhaskaran, Founder of Shunya O/S (An AI integrated embedded o/s) and Founder at IoTIoT.in, Pune, Mr. Vinay S. Ghule, Co-Founder and CTO at Leap Info Systems. The seminar was conducted successfully in the valuable presence of Principal (Dr.) S. R. Patil and FSAI coordinator, Mr. K.D.Yesugade.

NSS camp at Khopi village

BVCOEWomen, Pune's one week NSS camp was organized at Khopi village from 11th to 17th Jan 2019.

Blood Donation Camp

BVCOE for Women Engineering college had organized a Blood Donation Camp on the first birth-anniversary of our founder Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb on 8/01/19. All faculty, staff and students participated in the activity.

MoU for Certification Course on "IoT"

An MoU for Course on IoT - Application in Engineering Field was signed between Algorithmic Electronics and the Dept of IT.

Seminar on "Current Trends in Industry” on 5th Jan. 2019

The IETE & IEI Student Forum of E&TC dept organized a seminar on "Current Trends in Industry” on 5th Jan. 2019 from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. The speaker was First Prize winner of Singapore-India Hackethon’2018, Mr. Pratap Sanap, Solution Architect, Persistent Systems Lab, Pune. The seminar was conducted successfully in the valuable presence of Principal (Dr.) S. R. Patil, ISF coordinator, Dr. S. L. Kore and Mr. S. M. Bhilegaonkar, IEI coordinator

MoU for "Scrum" with Agile Growth

An MoU for “Scrum” Training was signed between Agile for Growth and the Dept of IT.

Visit of NAAC Peer Team

Visit of NAAC Peer Team to Campus is on 28th and 29th September 2018

FE Welcome Address

FE Welcome Address by Prof. S. R. Patil, I/C Principal, BVCOE for Women Pune to the First Year Students and Parents on 1st August 2018.

One day Training on “SCRUM”

One day Training on “SCRUM” was conducted for the BE IT students. Click for details...

Admission Notice 2018-19

First Year, Direct Second Engg. (DSE), M.E. (E&TC) Engineering Admission Notice 2018-19

Best Teacher Award

Heartiest Congratulations to Dr.Suvarna S.Chorage for receiving Best teacher Award 2018

Unit Test - II (SEM-II) Time Table

Industrial Visit to Tech Mahindra

An industrial visit to Tech Mahindra, Pune, Hinjewadi was organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College Of Engineering For Women, Pune, under the guidance of H.O.D. Prof. D.D. Pukale, Prof .K.D. Yesugade, Prof. S.B. Jadhav. The motto of this visit was to introduce about new technologies used in market with rapid speed.

Project Exhibition ‘ProyectoEx’18

Computer Engineering Department had Organized Project Exhibition ‘ProyectoEx’18 is for Final Year students on 31st March 2018. The event was held at the Lab number 210, 211 and 202 from 9:00 am and concluded at 1:30 pm. Judges from Industry evaluated project group. Judge 1: Mr. Shardul Gore, Tech Mahindra, Pune. Judge 2: Ms. Vrushali Pathare, Wipro, Pune. Judge 3: Mr. Mohan Gade, Xoriant, Pune

College of Engineering for Women, Pune wins 1st Prize

Fire Volunteers Program

On 26th January 2018 at 9.30 am to 1.30 pm “Fire Volunteers Program” was been organized by FSAI Pune chapter in association with fire brigade department PMC, Pune. This program was organized for the student members of FSAI of BVCOEW Pune and BVCOE Lavale. The Chief Guest of this program was CFO Mr.Ranpise spoke about the goal of the fire volunteers program as to create fire volunteers (Agni Mitra).Mr.Vikram Borkar showed some demos of few equipments used by fire brigade. The Chief Guest CFO Mr.Ranpise, Mr. Vikram Borkar Assistant to CFO, Mr. Mahesh Gavhane Secretary-FSAI Pune Chapter, Dr.H.V.Vankudre, Principal BVCOEW, Pune Dr.S.M.Shendokar, Principal, BVCOE, Lavale, Prof.K.D.Yesugade and students from BVCOEW College and BVCOE Lavale were present.

National Level Workshop : "Fitness and Stress Management through Yoga"

Two days National Level Workshop on "Stress Management and Fitness through Yoga" inaugural program - College of Engg. for Women, Pune in association with SPPU under Quality Improvement Programme. in photo: Dr. Amol Patil, Principal Dr. H. V. Vankudre, Maria Partapurwala, Anjali Ratnaparkhe, Coordinator & HOD IT Dr. Deepali Godse.

Momentous achievement

Momentous achievement of Ms.Shashanki Singh (Student of E&TC) for securing University first rank in TE - E&TC (2012 course)with an outstanding merit of 82.66% in the Academic Year- 2016-17.

First prize in "SoloDuet"

Miss Divyani Taley, student of BE E&TC, won First prize in the event 'SoloDuet' during the cultural fest 'Impressions' organized by the College of Engineering, Pune.


Google is hiring interns for its prestigious summer internship program on Internshala. These internships are open for 1st year MBA and 3rd year (pre-final) computer science students. The last date to apply is 26th December (Tuesday), midnight. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to intern with one of the most loved companies in the world! Click here to know more and apply...

Youth4Work Online Skill Test

Click here to access it...


The Department of Information Technology organised a seminar on “Cloud Computing: From Security, Privacy to Forensics Challenges” by Dr. Arati M Dixit, Chairperson of ACM-W India, on 1st September, 2017. The seminar was organised under the Student Chapter of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The speaker discussed about the challenges in the security, privacy and forensics of Cloud Computing. She also provided brief information on benefits of having ACM student chapter.

M.E. E&TC (VLSI Embedded Systems) Admissions - Institute Level Quota 2017-18

M.E. E&TC (VLSI Embedded Systems) Admissions against CAP vacancies 2017-18

Direct Second Year Engineering admissions against CAP vacancies 2017-18

AICTE Public Notice :-"Curbing the menace of ragging in AICTE approved Technical Institutions."

The Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering for Women, Pune, organized a seminar on “Usability Design and Entrepreneur Skills” by Mr. Shashi Sudhanshu, CEO, Talkd. Inc., Pune, on 23rd August 2017. The seminar was organized under the Student Chapter of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The speaker presented an overview of Usability Design and the skills required to become an entrepreneur.

The Department of Information Technology, organized seminar on "Evolution of Internet: Past, Present, and Future" by Dr. R. Venkateswaran, Senior Vice President, IoT Solutions, Persistent Systems Limited, Pune on 4th July, 2017 under Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter. The speaker presented an overview of computer networking and the three generations of Internet.

FE Welcome Address by Prof. H.V.Vankudre, Principal, BVCOE for Women pune to the First Year Students and Parents on 1st August 2017.

Information Brochure 2017-18
Direct Second Year Engineering Admission for admission to Vacant Seats after CA

Information Brochure 2017-18
ME Engineering Admission for admission in Institutional Quota and Vacant Seats after CAP

Schedule FE admissions against CAP
Schedule FE admissions against CAP vacancies 2017-18

Schedule FE admissions for IL
Schedule FE admissions for Institute Level (IL) - (2017-2018)

FE Vacancy seats
FE Vacancy seats after CAP round & Institutional Quota 2017-18

Information Brochure 2017-18
For admission in Institutional Quota and vacant seats after CAP First Year Engineering admissions

Against CAP vacancies
FE Admissions 2017-18 : Notice against CAP vacancies

FE Admissions 2017-18
Advertisement - FE Admissions

"Maharashtra DigiDhan"
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune organized an awareness program "Maharashtra DigiDhan" on 7th July 2017

The Department of Information Technology organized seminar on “Evolution of Internet: Past, Present, and Future” on 4th July, 2017 under Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter.

First Year Engineering
Admission Fee 2017-18 Click to view...

College Bank Account Details:-
College A/c No.:- 200503130051111
IFSC Code :- SVCB0010005
MICR Code:- 411355005

First Year Under Graduate Degree Course
First Year Under Graduate Degree Course in Engineering Technology for academic year 2017-18


AICTE has signed MoU with Internshala. Students can use Internshala platform for free internships

Placement Companies
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