Bharati Vidyapeeth Video Gallery
Vision Voices
Prof. Anupama Patil, Prinicipal - Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Fine Arts, Bharati Vidyapeeth
Dr. V.M. Mane, Member, Executive Commitee, Bharati Vidyapeeth
Prof. Dr. S.S. Vernekar , Director, IMED, BVDU
Dr. S.F. Patil, Executive Director International Affairs,Bharati Vidyapeeth
Prof. Dr. Mukund Sarda, Dean and Principal New Law College, Pune, BVDU
Dr. M.S. Sagare, Joint Secretary, Bharati Vidyapeeth
Prof. Kiran Shinde, Principal, College of Architecture, BVDU
Prof. Dr. Erach Bharucha, Principal, Environment College and Research, BVDU,
Prof. Dr. Anand Bhalerao, Principal College of Engineering, Pune, BVDU
Innovation at Bharati Vidyapeeth
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Windmill Project 2011-12
Engine First Run
Low Cost Bionic Hand
Bot by 2nd year Elex of Raisoni, Pune
Robo Galaxy 2013-14
Life@ Bharati Vidyapeeth
BVP campus & Pune : a place to be
Bharti Vidyapeeth Fest 2012 Dance (BVIMR)
The Bharati Song
Holi in BVPDC, Navi Mumbai
Akrosh (band)
Bharati Vidyapeeth's 50 Year Completion
IEER Video-1
Sahara Mumbai News, 11 May 2013
TV 9 Mumbai News, 11 May 2013
Zee 24 Taas News, 11 May 2013
Mi Marathi News, 11 May 2013
Saam Marathi Shaharnama, 10 May 2013
Jai Maharastra Maha Fast, 11 May 2013
IBN Lokmat News, 11 May 2013
DD Sahyadri News, 11 May 2013