

Mechanical Engineering Department Activity 2018-19 to 2022-23

Part A Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical Knowledge Event

S N  Date  Name of Event  Type of event  Name of guest  No of Participant
113/9/2021-17/9/2021Online one week faculty development program on “innovations in additive manufacturing  FDPDr. Nitin Khedkar Dr Zee Shu, Dr Suhas Deshmukh, Dr Guruprasad Rao, Dr Kiran Bhole, Dr. Aarti Muley 245
217/10/2020  Role and career Aspect of Mechanical Engineers in Software Industry  SeminarMr. Nachiket soholkar 56  
312/08/2020  Webinar on Proposal Writing for Project funding  WebinarDr. Vijay Bhatkar 66
416/12/2020  Webinar on Paper Writing  & Research Proposal Writing for Innovative Ideas  WebinarMr. Abhishek Patange 70
519/03/2021 to 19/03/2021  Webinar Innovation in 3D printing  WebinarMr. Amit Pradhan 114
613/03/2021  Exploring Ways to Face The Real Life Engineering Challenges  SeminarMr. Jayant. V. khade 114
719/ 05/2021 to 23/05/2021 ( 5 days )  National level Online Quiz on Computer Aided Drafting  Quiz------300  
802/02/2020 TO 22/06/2020  Ansys course  Add-on-course-----33
926/05/2020  Introduction to CFD & Career opportunities in CFD for UG students  SeminarDr Shashi Kant Verma 53
1020/05/2020 to
National level on lone quiz on Metrology and Quality control  Quiz-----1046
1122/02/2020  ISHRAE Student Chapter ISHRAE Paper presentation CompetitionPaper presentation------ 02
1226/03/2019Recent advances in Mechanical EngineeringExpert LectureDr B D Bachhav 123
1327/03/2019Cyber security and Cyber-crimeExpert LectureMr. Roshan Bangera 128
1416/7/2019  Carrier Guidance  Seminar  Mr. Ravikant doihphode73
152/8/2019Motivational LectureSeminar  ------ 
1622/08/2019National initiative on school teacher head achievement carrier Education DevelopmentSeminar  ------ 
1729/08/2019FIT India MovementSeminar  ------ 
1820-09-2019 to 20-09-2019  ISHRAE Student Chapter Reinstallation and Tech Talk Report  Seminar  Dr. Vijay W Bhatkar27
1926/09/2020Total mind body health habits transformationWebinarMr Rowena Luboon 90
2021/02/2019Energy ConservationSeminar  Mr. Sudhir Shah64
2122/02/2019Mechatronics and Industrial AutomationSeminar  Mr. Nilesh Narvekar26
2218/1/2019Isometrics Views for subject Engineering graphics-IExpert LectureProf. Aniket Patil 129
2320/07/2018Opportunities for studies in HVAC&R IndustriesWebinarMr. Vijay Khapote 32
2430/08/2018Project ManagementWebinarMr. Mangesh Deshmukh 23
258/10/2018Design of Air cooled heat exchanger & its applicationWebinarMr. Ameya Gole 42

 Part B Department of Mechanical Engineering Non-Technical Knowledge Event

S NDate Name of Event Type of event Name of guest ClassNo of Participant
14/17/2023Guidelines for higher education abroadNon-technicalMr.Kaushik GandhiSE, TE, BE 50
23/4/2023Soft skill -Team WorkNon-technicalMrs. Amruta PasarkarSE,TE,BE 42
39/20/2022MESA Inaugration 2022-23Non-technicalMr. S R PatilSE,TE,BE 65
48/26/2022Blueprint to become mechanical desiign engineerTechnicalMr. Alok SasaneSE, TE, BE 45
58/23/2022Expert lecture on "Multipressure System"TechnicalMr. Nilesh GaikwadBE 44
68/20/2022Soft skill - Self confidenceNon-technicalMrs. Amruta PasarkarSE,TE,BE 35
711/13/2021Combined Defence Service ExamNon-technicalMs. Purva PohekarSE,TE,BE 111
89/14/2021MESA Committee Inaugration 2021-22Non-technicalMr. S R PatilSE,TE,BE 71
93/13/2021Exploring Ways to Face The Real Life Engineering ChallengesNon-technicalMr. Jayant KhadeSE,TE,BE 114
102/27/2021Marathi Language DayNon-technical SE,TE,BE 119
1116/1/2020 to 18/1/2020sEntrepreneurship Awareness, Camp Business Model CompetitionCompetition------TE BE 24
1206/02/2020 to 09/02/2020Auto India Racing Championship (AIRC), GokartingGokarting Championship------SE TE BE 20
1325/02/2020 to 28/02/2020Society of Automotive and Mechanical Engineer, Students Kart Design Challenge (SKDC), GokartingGokarting Competition-------SE TE BE 20
14March 2019Zeal Drag Go-karting even held at Narhe PuneGokarting Competition-------SE TE BE 25
15Feb 2019FKDC(Formula car design challenge ) which was held at Moshi ,PuneDesign challenge Competition----------SE TE BE 20
1628/01/2019Aajchya Yuvkanche Samajik BhanGuest LectureMr. Ashok DeshmaneFE SE TE BE 197
1729/01/2019Opportunities in Indian Army For Engineering studentsGuest LectureSou. Anuradha goreFE SE TE BE 195
1830/01/2019Engineering Views Of LifeGuest LectureProf. Kshitij PatukaleFE SE TE BE 205
1931/01/2019Aaichya KaljatunGuest LectureDr. Sindhutai Sapkal (Mai)FE SE TE BE 224
2001/02/2019Bhikshekaryache DoctorGuest LectureDr. Abhijit SonawaneFE SE TE BE 216
2115/02/2019Competitive Examination & Higher EducationSeminar  -----TE BE65
2220/08/2018New Voters  registering  CampaignGuest LectureMrs. Sujata Patil Nayab TahasildarSE TE BE 91

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